The Newton Museum's Apple Newton Collection

Happy New Year from the Newton Museum! Here are the last two Newton catalogs from 1996 - Newton Solutions 1 and Newton Solutions 2. The Newton Museum will stay live until a new owner for the site is found. Thanks for visiting, and enjoy!
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Newton - 19.jpg
Motorola Marco Wireless
Newton - 20.jpg
Window Stickers
Newton - 21.jpg
Charging Station
Newton - 22.jpg
Storage Cards
Newton - 23.jpg
Fax Modem/Card
Newton - 24.jpg
Rare Messaging Card
Newton - 25.jpg
Print Packs
Newton - 26.jpg
Newton - 27.jpg
Kensington Prototype Case
Newton - 28.jpg
Battery Packs
Newton - 29.jpg
Keyboard & Extras
Newton - 30.jpg
Developer & Magazine
Newton - 31.jpg
Boxed Software 1
Newton - 32.jpg
Boxed Software 2
Newton - 33.jpg
Boxed Software 3